TeamBurtonZm – “2 Wrongs”(Short Film)

TeamBurtonZm – "2 Wrongs"(Short Film)
TeamBurtonZm – "2 Wrongs"(Short Film)
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Download TeamBurtonZm – “2 Wrongs”(Short Film)

2 Wrongs is a romantic drama short film that follows the unique and inspirational story of a man, played by Rodgers Daka, who is caught up in a wrong relationship and goes through a spate of making the wrong choices, which leads to something deadly! But what if somehow he could go back and change his decisions? What would he do then?

There are key messages and themes within this film and it is hoped that Step Back can be used as a resource to educate young people and adults on the dangers of a toxic relationship, but to also demonstrate the importance of stepping back in all situations before making choices.

RELATED: Bloodline (Short Movie)

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2 Wrongs Short Film|TeamBurtonZm

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