Macky 2 | “Ghetto President” Full album Review

Macky 2 | “Ghetto President” Full album Review
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Macky 2 | “Ghetto President” Full album Review

Ghetto president was officially released on 27th June, 2018, the album has been given all sorts of reactions bad or good, 75% of Macky 2 fans have rated the album including his young brother Chef 187 who shared a thought of an album having rated it 5/5.
We proud to present to our review below!

Intro (Prod. By Dj Hector Gold)

– Ghetto president album kicks of with an ardent intro where Macky 2 delivers high rated bars full of truth reminding the people in power to sensitize on the issues romping the youth in this country.

My Story ft. Daev (Prod. By Starsh)

– the record on number two(2) in the album is a song going out to mediums that are talking on behalf of the controversial rapper Macky 2, he featured the XYZ singer on this to help him successfully deliver this record.

We Shall Raise (Prod. By Dj Bugar)

– We shall raise again is a packed jam with hope with a courageous massage assisted by his diverse ability of flava – boy.

Pay back ft. Will Mr Nyopole & Nemo (Prod. By Drew)

– In Pay Back Macky 2 unmasks that Umupondo Beast in his vocal with helping vocals of willz and nemo, the song talks about him being inpatient about his money while mixing some trap on this one.

Isa Kuno ft. Jemax (Prod. By Dj Bugar)

– Its a sweet song for your missing rib or this beautiful special baby that quenches you and moves in your blood Jemax adds his flow on the Dj Bugar made beat, he ends on the song with giving out shout out to the people he rose with just when he was riding to his stardom ship.

Bring It Back ft. Chef 187 (Prod. By Shinko & Dj Bugar)

– Its certified hit performed by the kopala brother’s the kaira’s famously known by the respected names macky 2 and Chef 187..make sure you bump to this banger ba kabundi naba kapisha chenu ichi.

Money (Prod. Dj Hector & Dj Bugar)

– Money is a striking joint capturing his top notch slot, the song elaborates how many make people out their take or treat you like trash..issa hard hip with lines like? “Yeezys on my feet I guess I’m walking with the lord…. The way they call me bwana you might mistake me for the law”.. You have to get this album its fire!

Mwenze Kuti ft. Dope & Jorzi (Prod. By Starsh)

– Every body deserves to celebrate and leave his life after hard work, Macky 2 in this one his perhaps celebrating his life after pulling through from poverty from the slugs he brought Dope G & Jorzi on this one.

Throw Back (Iye Mayo) (Prod. By Cream Dollar)

– its a throw back celebration song, Macky 2 looks back into the times when every one couldn’t believe him, at times when he rolling papers looking for a hit song.

Evertthing Is Better ft Izreal (Prod.By Kekero & Dj Bugar)

– One of the songs paving way already on airwaves is this legendary song accompanied by Izreal Download it in-fact and review it – HERE!

Get Out ft. Camstar & Badman Shapi (Prod. By Dj Hector Gold)

– This is track 11 in the album macky 2 flexes and swings on vocals on get out featuring Camstar & 1/3 of Urban Hype “Badman Shapi” its a bouncy trap record.

Never Let You Go (Prod. By Ghetto President)

Wow! This one hits the spot, There’s something insane about any track when macky 2 releases a banger for the ladies. There’s a way a song sounds when Macky 2 is rapping like he is in this one its an afro-pop fusion-ed jam, Off Ghetto President.

Ami ft. Mumba Yachi (Prod. By Dj Bugar)

– always believe in our local celebrities, in this one Mumba Yachi does justice as he stretches his catchy soulful voice you ought to get this Album you cant afford this master peace by the gifted artists.

Paka Kumanda ft. Daev (Prod. By Starsh)

Starsh on this one he played some interesting strings slated to convince everybody that still has a doubt in his production he went all in and out, the song features Silent Music entertainments affiliated act – Drifta Trek.

– Father (Prod. By Solomon Plate)

This is a pure christian banger in the album, macky 2 lifts the Lord Father of all the above and reminds his hater’s his anointed

Ghetto Presidente (Prod. By Cream Dollar & Yikes)

– Its a theme song for all the compounds, Macky 2 brought scenes in this one analyzing incidents that occur in the ghetto or compounds with a production blending in well with celebration vocals in the background of the song. Ba Matero, Chibolya, Kwa Simi, Kumushili, Ku Kwacha Na Ku Chiwempala you will relate!

Zambian Glory (Prod. Dj Bugar)

Articulative and inspiring song to the each fighter looking for something to put on the table, he gives hope to each and every one in that line looking for Glory.

Umutima Wandi ft. Ephraim & NJamba

Umutima Wandi is featuring Ephraim & Njamba its was one the songs given out as free song out the Album, with video was directed by Qbick and Lawdak and produced by Kekero. Get It HERE!

OUTRO ft. F Jay

– The first few bars in this one are SHOCKING!I hope that Muzo bounce back and really make it/// this is my apology to Slap (Slapdee), I Hope you can take it” he spitted and accepted to Swallow the bitter pill. Macky 2 in the outro said a lot off staff, You are freely invited to get this album and have you review.

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