Pilato Has A Has A Song About For The Current Situation The Country Is Experiencing.

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I told myself never to do a song on president Lungu this year but its becoming very difficult not to do so. I honestly think the president’s advisers and those that simply talk to him are not doing a great job. So many issues affecting the majority of our people have been left without answers for example.

The prices of Mealie Meal have become so unbearable and the government has not explained what has necessitated this increase instead they have continued to make those tuma childish statements. There’s also a shortage of the same and yet there’s no clear explanation as to why considering that the minister of agriculture has maintained that we have plenty of maize stocks.

Every month we are spending $18million on power but they have not shared with the public the period for how long this unbudgeted for expenditure will go on. We are told that Kariba dam may need 3 years of good rainfall for it to work as expected. For how long will this massive loadshedding be with us?

UNZA and CBU conditions are just too shameful. Today it is still unclear under what circumstances the two universities will open as the minister responsible seems to be dancing between two opposing stands.

Mr. President this is about your legacy so its only right that you act now lwenu. These people you are working with do still have ambitions so when your time is over these people will be joining other coming governments and be ministers but for you that may be your last political job.

I HONESTLY do have a song about you and you may not like it. Am hesitating to release it hoping that you act on the so many issues affecting our people. Please my president do the right thing and make your legacy your pride.

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