Umusepela Chile Face Battle With Management Private Label Death Raw Music Management

Umusepela Chile Face Battle With Management

Umusepela Chile Face Battle With Management Private Label Death Raw Music Management

Private Label Death Raw Music Management (PLDR) and its signee Umusepala Chile are in between a battle.

His management has ordered him to submit music to the label as the contract states each year the signed acts are ought to submit songs, this order has created chaos between him and management leaving the involved parties without any options instead might result in terminating contracts.

Umusepela Chile has commented saying “iam not a slave I need some time to meditate and if the label wants more music let them wait because my fans are not complaining“.

CAUTION: Mumba Yachi is not involved in this its just a picture Bro.

More news to come, Stay glued.

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